
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

kekurangan Dan Kelebihan E-learning

Menyadari bahwa di internet dapat ditemukan berbagai informasi dan informasi itu dapat diakses secara lebih mudah, kapan saja dan dimana saja, maka pemanfaatan internet menjadi suatu kebutuhan. Bukan itu saja, pengguna internet bisa berkomunikasi dengan pihak lain dengan cara yang sangat mudah melalui teknik e-moderating yang tersedia di internet. Dengan mengambil contoh SMART School di Malaysia, setiap introduksi suatu teknologi pendidikan tertentu yang baru seperti pemanfaatan internet, maka ada empat hal yang perlu disiapkan, yaitu : a. Melakukan penyesuaian kurikulum. Kurikulum sifatnya holistik di mana pengetahuan, keterampilan dan nilai (values) diintegrasikan dengan kebutuhan di era informasi ini. Kurikulumnya bersifat competency-based curriculum. b. Melakukan variasi cara mengajar untuk mencapai dasar kompetensi yang ingin dicapai dengan bantuan komputer. c. Melakukan penilaian dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada (menggunakan komputer, online assessment system), dan d. Menyediakan material pembelajaran seperti buku, komputer, multimedia, studio, dan lain-lain yang memadai. Materi pembelajaran yang disimpan di komputer dapat diakses dengan mudah baik oleh guru maupun siswa Pihak pengelola SMART School beranggapan bahwa penggunaan ICT khususnya internet bisa mendorong murid menjadi lebih aktif belajar (active learners), dimungkinkan adanya berbagai variasi yang dapat dilakukan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar, diperolehnya keterampilan yang berganda dan dicapainya efisiensi. Harian Sunday Star (30 Juni 2002) menyebut SMART School adalah contoh sekolah masa depan. Sekolah-sekolah percontohan dengan menggunakan perangkat teknologi informasi ini menjadi model yang dilaksanakan oleh berbagai negara. Di Singapura ada "Excellent School", di Thailand ada "Progressive School", di Filipina disebut "Pilot School", dan sebagainya. Di Indonesia, sekolah yang menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam proses belajar ini ternyata bisa menarik banyak siswa. Para orang tua juga cenderung mengirim anaknya ke sekolah yang demikian walaupun biayanya relatif lebih mahal dibandingkan sekolah lainnya yang tidak menggunakan teknologi informasi tersebut. Dari berbagai pengalaman dan juga dari berbagai informasi yang tersedia di literatur, memberikan petunjuk tentang manfaat penggunaan internet, khususnya dalam pendidikan terbuka dan jarak jauh (Elangoan, 1999 ; Soekartawi, 2002 ; Mulvihil, 1997 ; Utarini, 1997), antara lain dapat disebutkan sebagai berikut : * Tersedianya fasilitas e-moderating di mana guru dan siswa dapat berkomunikasi secara mudah melalui fasilitas internet secara reguler atau kapan saja kegiatan berkomunikasi itu dilakukan dengan tanpa dibatasi oleh jarak, tempat, dan waktu. * Guru dan siswa dapat menggunakan bahan ajar atau petunjuk belajar yang terstruktur dan terjadwal melalui internet, sehingga keduanya bisa saling menilai sampai berapa jauh bahan ajar dipelajari. * Siswa dapat belajar atau me-review bahan ajar setiap saat dan di mana saja kalau diperlukan mengingat bahan ajar tersimpan di komputer. * Bila siswa memerlukan tambahan informasi yang berkaitan dengan bahan yang dipelajarinya, ia dapat melakukan akses di internet. *Baik guru maupun siswa dapat melakukan diskusi melalui internet yang dapat diikuti dengan jumlah peserta yang banyak, sehingga menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan yang lebih luas. * Berubahnya peran siswa dari biasanya pasif menjadi aktif. * Relatif lebih efisien. Misalnya bagi mereka yang tinggal jauh dari perguruan tinggi atau sekolah konvensional, bagi mereka yang sibuk bekerja, bagi mereka yang bertugas di kapal, di luar negeri, dan sebagainya. Walaupun demikan pemanfaatan internet untuk pembelajaran atau e-learning juga tidak terlepas dari berbagai kekurangan. Berbagai kritik (Bullen, 2001 ; Beam, 1997), antara lain dapat disebutkan sebagai berikut : * Kurangnya interaksi antara guru dan siswa atau bahkan antar-siswa itu sendiri. Kurangnya interaksi ini bisa memperlambat terbentuknya values dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. * Kecenderungan mengabaikan aspek akademik atau aspek sosial dan sebaliknya mendorong tumbuhnya aspek bisnis / komersial. * Berubahnya peran guru dari semula menguasai teknik pembelajaran konvensional, kini juga dituntut mengetahui teknik pembelajaran yang menggunakan ICT. * Siswa yang tidak mempunyai motivasi belajar yang tinggi cenderung gagal. * Tidak semua tempat tersedia fasilitas internet (mungkin hal ini berkaitan dengan masalah tersedianya listrik, telepon, ataupun komputer) * Kurangnya mereka yang mengetahui dan memiliki keterampilan soal-soal internet, dan * Kurangnya penguasaan bahasa komputer. Sumber :

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

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Download Kumpulan Script Jahil - Sekedar share pengalaman saja, buat posting kali ini saya akan berbagi script jahil untuk sekedar hiburan, iseng menjaili teman, rekan atau kerabat dekat anda. Saya buat posting ini agar anda lebih berhati-hati kedepannya, dengan file yang sederhana ini cukup bisa membuat jengkel siapapun yang mengalaminya.

untuk tahap pertama sebelum anda melakukan hal ini, yang harus di perhatikan adalah (gapentingbanget) mempunyai mental yang cukup silahkan lakukan pemanasan terlebih dahulu, dan bersiaplah #jengjengjeeeng. Lebih jelasnya mari ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

- Simpan dengan nama yang unik agar si korban tidak curiga.
- Awas Senjata Makan Tuan.
- Jika terjadi kerusakan, bukan tanggung jawab kami.

1. Silahkan Buka Notepad
2. Kemudian Langsung Copy-Paste Script Kode Jahil di bawah ini:
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"
3. Jika sudah selesai tinggal klik File, Pilih Save As, pada Save As Type pilih "All Files"
4. Kemudian simpan file tersebut dengan extension .vbs
5. Klik Save.


Script Jahil Lainnya

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "sabotase keyboard, etc"
Jangan Lupa Simpan Filenya dengan format .vbs
MsgBox "gieterror selalu bilang : anda harus mengulang kembali"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"
Jangan Lupa Simpan Filenya dengan format .vbs
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Jangan Lupa Simpan Filenya dengan format .vbs
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
Jangan Lupa Simpan Filenya dengan format .vbs
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Kalo Script di bawah ini Simpan filenya dengan format .bat
@ECHO off
msg * muka agan jelek
msg * ngaca dulu gih
msg * hayo lo gan, CPU ente ane acak-acak
msg * udah install ulang aja
msg * biar masalah nya kelar

@echo off
msg * apaan sih lo
shutdown -s -c "Error! muka mu standar abis"

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Biodata SNSD

Nama : Taeyeon
Nama Lengkap : Kim Tae Yeon
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : little child that is like Pack Sol – Ge snack
Nama Panggilan lain : Taetae, Taeng, leader Taeyeon, leader Taeng, Kid leader, Auntie, Afro Tangee, little person, A person with short  body, Pack-Sol-Ge snack
Tgl lahir : 9 Maret 1989
Gol darah : O
Tinggi badan : 162 cm
Berat Badan : 44 kg
Posisi : ketua, ketua vocal yang ke- 1
Hobi : Renang
Special : Menyanyi Trot, bahasa Cina
Training : 5 tahun 3 bulan
Lagu favorite dari SNSD : Merry Go – Round

Nama : Jessica
Nama Lengkap : Jung Soo Yeon, Jessica Jung
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Ice Princess
Nama Panggilan Lain : Sic, Sica, Sicachu, Liquid Sica, Sica Effect,, Sica Of Sweat, Baby Sic, Puppet Sic, Sexica, glowing Sic, Sleepy Sica
Tgl. lahir : 18 April 1989
Gol. darah : B
Tinggi badan : 163 cm
Berat badan : 45 kg
Posisi : ketua Vocal yang ke- 2
No. Favorite : 52
Hobi : sepakbola, tinju
Spesial : Dance, bahasa inggris
Training : 7 tahun 6 bulan
Lagu favorite dari SNSD : Complete

Nama : Seo Hyun
Nama Lengkap : Seo Joo Hyun
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : The Youngest Princess
Nama Panggilan Lain : Seororo, Innocent Seohyun, Kerohyun, Youngest Child, Milk Seo Joo
Tgl Lahir : 28 Juni 1991
Gol Darah : A
Tinggi Badan : 168 cm
Berat Badan : 48 kg
Posisi : Ketua Vokal yang ke-3
Hobi : Main Piano, nonton Keroro
Spesial : Bahasa Cina, Main Piano
Training : 6 tahun 6 bulan
Lagu Favorite dari SNSD : Kissing You

Nama : Soo Young
Nama Lengkap : Choi Soo Young
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Fun Loving Princess
Nama Panggilan Lain : A Person with long body, Long Legs, Model, Food God, Interuptor, Syoung
Tgl Lahir : 10 Februari 1990
Gol Darah : O
Tinggi Badan : 170 cm
Berat Badan : 48 kg
Posisi : Membantu Vokal
Hobi : Makan
Spesial : Bahasa Jepang, Dance
Training : 6 tahun 3 bulan
Lagu Favorite dari SNSD : Complete

Nama : Yuri
Nama Lengkap : Kwon Yuri
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Black Pearl
Nama Panggilan Lain : Yul, Kwongul, Ggab-Yul, Black Yul, Yuree
Tgl. Lahir : 5 Desember 1989
Gol. Darah : AB
Tinggi Badan : 167 cm
Berat Badan : 45 kg
Posisi : Ketua Dancer yang ke-2, membantu vokal
Hobi : Dancing, Ballet, Main piano, Violin, Renang
Spesial : Bahasa Cina, renang
Training : 5 tahun 11 bulan
Lagu Favorite Dari SNSD : Baby Baby

Nama : Sunny
Nama Lengkap : Lee Sun Kyu
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Energy Pill
Nama Panggilan lain : Lee Sunny, Lee Sun, Dolphin, Dolphin Sunny, Cute Sunny, Sun Kyu
Tgl. Lahir : 15 Mei 1989
Gol. Darah : B
Tinggi Badan : 158 cm
Berat Badan : 43 kg
Posisi : Membantu Vokal
Hobi : Renang, main video game, olahraga
Spesial : Atletik
Training : 9 bulan
Lagu Favorite dari SNSD : Ooh-La-La!

Nama : Tiffany
Nama Lengkap : Hwang Mi Young, Tiffany Hwang
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Brighter Than Gem
Nama Panggilan Lain : Fany, Brighter than Mushroom Tiffany, Fanny of Belly, Bacteria Fany, Fany The Practicer, Rural Fany, Spongebob Hwang, Fany Fany Tiffany, Human Jukebox, Mushroom
Tgl. Lahir : 1 Agustus 1989
Tinggi Badan : 162 cm
Berat Badan : 50 kg
Posisi : Ketua Vokal yang ke-4
Hobi : Main Seruling
Spesial : Bahasa Inggris, Main Flute ( Seruling )
Training : 3 tahun 7 bulan
Lagu Favorite dari SNSD : Baby Baby

Nama : Hyoyeon
Nama Lengkap : Kim Hyo Yeon
Nama Panggilan di  SNSD : Bright Snow White
Nama Panggilan Lain : Dancing Queen, Princess Fiona, Hyo Fit and Firm, Apple Princess, Hyon
Tgl. Lahir : 22 September 1989
Gol. Darah : AB
Tinggi Badan : 160 cm
Berat Badan : 48 kg
Posisi : Ketua Dancer yang ke-1, membantu vokal
Hobi : Menari/Nge dance
Spesial : Bahasa Cina, Dance
Training : 6 tahun 1 bulan

Nama : Yoona
Nama Lengkap : Im Yoon Ah
Nama Panggilan di SNSD : Charming Girl
Nama Panggilan Lain : Little Deer, Retarol, Flower Deer, Powerful Yoona, Bravery Yoona, YoonABC
Tgl Lahir : 30 Mei 1990
Gol Darah : B
Tinggi Badan : 166 cm
Berat Badan : 47 kg
Posisi : Ketua Dancer yang ke-3, membantu vokal
No. Favorite : 93
Spesial : Akting


4minute pictures
4minute biography
4minute songs
4minute albums
4minute (포미닛) is a Korean girl who created the Cube Entertainment subsidiary of JYP Entertainment 4minute announced in May 2009 along with two of the groups members Kim Hyun and Nam JiHyun leader of the group June 11, 2009 silhouette teaser video was released online in conjunction with their official homepage The remaining three members identity was kept secret until June 12 On June 15, 2009 debut single "Hot Issue" was released together with another teaser video, and profiles for each group member within a few hours of song release, it climbed quickly to the top five in various digital music charts Bugs such as Cyworld and Soribada Mnet 4minute debuted June 18 at M! Countdown They also won the digital music award "Rookie of the Month"

At the end of Auvindstöt 4minute first mini-album "The Muzik" was released with the "Muzik" as a leading single 4minute won his first number one award September 27th's Inkigayo and received his second award 1 October is M! Countdown "What A Girl Wants" would be their last promo song for the album

4minute went on their tour of Asia starting in January and went to countries like Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan May 5 released their first Japanese single " Muzik "as a Japanese remake of their Korean song single also included" Hot Issue "but in Korean with instrumentals for both tracks

On 19 May 4minute second mini-album hit" Your Heart "was released with" huh "is the album's title track, it immediately went to # 1 on such diagrams of bugs and Gom TV



* Birth name: Nam Ji Hyun (Korean: 남지현)
* Position: Leader Singer
* Born: January 9, 1990 (09/01/1990) ( age 20)


* Birth name: Heo Ga Yoon (Korean: 허가윤)
* Position: Vocalist
* Date of Birth: May 18, 1990 (18/05/1990) (age 20)
* Additional remarks:
o On Mario's music video "I'm Yours"


* Birth name: Jeon Ji Yoon (Korean: 전지윤)
* Position: Vocalist Rapper
* Born on 15 October, 1990 (10/15/1990) (age 19)


* Birth name: Kim Hyun (Korean: 김현아) (stage name: 현아)
* Date of birth: 6 June 1992 (06/06/1992) (age 17)
* Position: Main Vocalist Rapper
* Additional notes :
o Former memberv Wonder Girls resigned due to health problems
o On AJ's song "2009" and the music video for "Dancing Shoes"
o released his solo single Change (Feat 용준형 From the Beast) January 4, 2010


* Birth name : So Hyun Kwon (Korean: 권소현)
* Position: Vocalist Rapper
* Born: 30 August 1994 (30/08/1994) (age 15)

f(x) biography

f(x) pictures
f(x) biography
f(x) songs
f(x) albums
f (x) - (에프 엑스) pronounced "effects" is a girl group from South Korea signed the SM Entertainment

debuted September 2, 2009 with their first single "라차타 (LA cha TA)" The members are Victoria (the leader) ( 빅토리아) Krystal (크리스탈) Sulley (설리) Amber (엠버) and Luna (루나)

"F" stands for "flower" and like a flower, they will blossom "x" stands for the female chromosome 'xx' and is for a variable in which the "X" changes the outcome will be different, which correlates with the members of different skills and backgrounds that give them the opportunity to not only thrive in Korea, but by changing their x-factor or variable, they will also succeed abroad

In addition, Korean-American member Krystal is the younger sibling to Jessica (Member 소녀 시대 also in SM Entertainment) Chinese member Victoria is the leader and Amber is a Chinese-American

The special aura and characteristics for each member:
- Victoria - sexy feminine Charms
- Krystal - pure girly Charms
- Amber - cute boyish Charms
- Sulley - a sweet and friendly Charms
- Luna - feminine and mature charm


2NE1 pictures
2NE1 biography
2NE1 songs
2NE1 albums
2NE1 (Korean: 투 에니원, stated that "someone" or "Twenty-one"), formerly known as 21 is a Korean group under YG Entertainment in 2009 Previously marketed as' female 'big bang' and 21 yg officially stopped using the name 21 because another Korean musical group of the same name 2NE1 is supposed to stand for "New Evolution Of The 21st Century": "NE" means "is the New Evolution" and "21" stands for "21st Century"

2NE1 made up of 4 members of All 4 girls have YG Trainees and have been preparing for his debut for 4 years

• CL (Leader rapper Vocalist)
Real Name: Lee Chae Rin (이채린)
Date of birth: 26 February 1991 (1991-02-26) (18 years)
• CL's name is not only iitials by her first name and last name, but also a nickname that utformats of both Tae Yang Big Bang, and CL Then when you pronounce the CL name that means "sky" in French

• 박봄 (BOM / Park Bom) (singer)
Real Name: Park Bom (박봄)
Date of birth: 24 March 1984 (1984/03/24) (25 years)

• 공민지 (MINZY / Gong Min Ji) (rapper Vocalist Maknae)
Real Name: Gong Minji (공민지)
Date of birth: 18 January 1994 (1994/01 / 18) (16 years)

• 산다라 (DARA / transmitter Park) (Song)
Real Name: Sandars Park (박산다라)
Date of birth: 12 November 1984 (1984/11/12) (25 years)

2NE1 has already released a promotional track featuring the group BIG BANG is called Lollipop song was released as a promotional activity for the song Lollipop Cyon mobile phone, even if it was not promoting one (because it was an advertising song, there were problems withNetwork chart eligible) "Lollipop" turned out to be a strong chart hit going to # 1 on various online maps and topping music television network Mnet's online chart for four weeks in a row, however, although this group did not officially debut until May, the May 6, they released their debut digital single Fire The band released 2 music videos for the single called "space version" and the other is called "street version

Girls' Generation

Girls' Generation is a nine-member South Korean pop girl group formed by S.M. Entertainment in 2007.[1][2] They are also referred to as SoShi (소시) or SNSD by their fans, both abbreviated forms of the group's Korean name.
Girls' Generation has released three Korean full albums, three Korean mini-albums, one Japanese full album and various singles. Their 2009 hit single "Gee" holds the record for being the longest running No. 1 song on KBS Music Bank, having held the No. 1 chart ranking for nine consecutive weeks. Gee was named song of the decade by the Korean music site, Melon.[3]
The group began a foray into the Japanese music scene in late 2010 under Nayutawave Records, a part of Universal Music, with the Japanese remakes of their 2009 Korean hits "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)" and "Gee".
The leader of the group is Kim Taeyeon. The other members are Jessica Jung, Sunny, Tiffany, Kim Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona and Seohyun.




2007–2008: Debut and Girls' Generation

In July 2007, Girls' Generation had their unofficial first stage performance on Mnet School of Rock where the group performed their first single, titled "Into the New World" (다시 만난 세계, Dasi Mannan Segye). A documentary recording the story of the group's debut titled Mnet Girls' Generation Goes to School was filmed during this time, showing the members as they moved into an apartment together and prepared for their performances. The group's first single was physically released soon after, including an instrumental of the group's debut song and two other tracks: "Beginning" and "Perfect for You". The latter's Korean title is "Wish" (소원, SoWon), which later became the name of Girls' Generation's official fan club, S♡NE. The group's debut officially began on August 5, 2007, first performing on SBS Inkigayo and then later on MBC Music Core and KBS Music Bank. "Into the New World" achieved No.1 spot on M! Countdown.
The group released their first self-titled full album in late autumn of 2007 with the lead single "Girls' Generation" (소녀시대, Sonyeo Sidae), a remake of Lee Seung-cheol's 1989 song. Promotion for the single started in early November. The album also included the group's first single "Into the New World", "Perfect For You" (re-titled "Honey"), and eight other tracks by the group. In early 2008, Girls' Generation began promoting their second single from the album, "Kissing You", which won the group their first K-chart win after getting the number one position on the KBS Music Bank February chart.[4]
In March 2008, the album was repackaged, re-released and re-titled Baby Baby. A third single, "Baby Baby", was released to promote the album. During the group's promotions, members Jessica, Tiffany and Seohyun were also featured on a mini-album released by Roommate, a one-man band from Purple Communication. The mini-album was titled Roommate: Emotional Band Aid, and was released on December 1, 2008. The song performed by the three girls, titled "Oppa Nappa" (오빠 나빠; literally, Bad Brother), was digitally released before the album in April 2008. The song was performed live on SBS Inkigayo, KBS Music Bank and M! Countdown some time later.[5][6] Later in the year the three members released "Mabinogi" (It's Fantastic!) together as the theme song for the Nexon game Mabinogi, with Tiffany participating in the music video.[7]
Mnet reality show Factory Girl chronicled the members working as interns at fashion magazine Elle Girl.[8] The articles the group worked on were featured in the Korean Elle Girl magazine. The program began airing in early October.[9] In late 2008, the group also participated in the SM Town Live '08 concert along with other SM Town artists.

2009: Gee, Genie and rising popularity

Girls' Generation perfoming "Genie" at the LG Mobile Worldcup in 2009
On December 26, 2008, posters of the Girls' Generation members wearing roller-skates were posted up in various locations around Seoul. SM Entertainment's phone lines were blocked up by callers asking whether the posters were for sale and the company asked fans to stop taking the posters down for personal use.[10] On December 29, the group's management stated that the posters were indeed teaser posters and that the group would soon release their first EP, Gee, in January 2009.[11]
A teaser video was released in January 2009 and the first single "Gee" released soon after. "Gee" topped Cyworld's hourly music chart on the release day.[12] The song also went No.1 on all major digital music charts within two days.[13] The music video set a record on release, garnering 1 million views on GomTV in under a day.[14]
The group began its album promotion in January 2009 on MBC Music Core where they sang their new lead single "Gee" and the track "Himnae (Way To Go)", another song from their mini-album.[15] "Gee" went on to become a phenomenal hit, breaking the record for consecutive No.1 wins on Music Bank with 9 consecutive wins, as well as receiving a triple crown on SBS Inkigayo. The track also showed strength on other charts, topping the Mujikon, Melon and Mnet charts for 8 consecutive weeks, the Dosirak chart for 7 weeks, the Muse chart for 6 weeks and the Baksu chart for 4 weeks.[16][17]
After a short break, SM Entertainment announced that the group would be back with a new mini-album sporting a "Marine Girl" concept. The new single was to be titled "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)"; with the full mini-album being released digitally on June 22, 2009.[18][19] The group started their promotional activities on June 26, 2009, appearing on KBS Music Bank.[20] The performance was followed by follow-up comeback performances on MBC Music Core and SBS Inkigayo on June 27 and 28, 2009. The physical release of Genie was delayed by SM Entertainment in order to redo the album art, and was released 4 days later on June 29, 2009.[18]
The track proved to be a success as it conquered various music sites, including Melon, Dosirak, Mnet, and Bugs, and it was No.1 on the weekly charts and SKT ringtone weekly charts of the first week of July.[21] The mini-album sold an estimated 50,000+ copies in its first week after released (almost double the numbers from the first-week sales of Gee), an unusual feat for any Korean girl group.[22]

2010: Oh!/Run Devil Run, Japanese debut and Hoot

Girls' Generation at an LG event in 2010.
Later in January, SM Entertainment confirmed the release of Oh!, the group's second full-length album to be released on January 28.[23] The lead single "Oh!", was digitally released on January 25 with the music video being released two days later.[24] On January 30, the group started promotions with the recording of MBC Music Core.[25] The broadcast of the performance experienced a blackout near the end, to which MBC made the whole performance available online in response.[26] With 'Oh!', the group went on to win 5 consecutive K-charts on KBS Music Bank, as well as achieving a triple crown on SBS Inkigayo.[27] 'Oh!' also went on to win the Music Bank half-year K-chart, coming in at 2nd on Hanteo's first half album sales chart,[28] and also winning the end-of-year K-chart.[citation needed] The music video became ranked as the number one most viewed YouTube video in Korea by the end of 2010. It was also No.1 in Hong Kong and made the top 10 in both the Taiwan and Japan rankings.[29]
Starting from March 11, 2010, photos of the members were released online showcasing a dark concept, dubbed "Black SoShi".[30] A teaser video was released on March 16, with the new single Run Devil Run being released as a digital single on March 17.
Mid-June, it was announced that the group had signed contracts in May, and would begin working under Universal Music Japan's record label Nayutawave Records for their Japanese promotions, with their first Japanese single expected to be released in September 2010.[31][32][33] Girls' Generation began promotion in Japan in August. "少女時代到来~初来日記念盤~" (Girls' Generation's Arrival ~ First Time in Japan Commemoration Disc ~), a DVD featuring seven of the group's music videos as well as special bonus footage was released on August 11, with the special edition of the DVD containing a pink glowstick as well as a pass to the Girls' Generation debut at the Tokyo Ariake Colliseum on August 25.[34] In the first week after release, the DVD sold 23,000 copies, making No.4 on the weekly DVD Oricon ranking and No.3 on the weekly music DVD ranking,[35] making Girls' Generation the first female k-pop group to make the Oricon DVD Top-5 ranking.[36] The sales for the group's first photobook, “少女” (So Nyuh) were estimated to at 1.6 billion won even before release.[37]
Amidst their Japanese activities, the group also participated in the SMTown Live '10 World Tour alongside their label-mates on August 21 at Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium.[38] They participated in the subsequent Shanghai, Los Angeles, Paris and Tokyo stops as well.[39]
On August 25, the group held their first showcase in Tokyo Ariake Colliseum.[40] With an initial 10,000 fans invited, it was reported to be the most large-scale plan for a Korean artist debuting in Japan.[34] However, due to high number of expected attendees, the group's management announced that the showcase would take place three times in the same day rather than once to accommodate the estimated 20,000 fans.[41] The group sang 5 of their Korean tracks at each of the showcases, and the total number of attendees over all three shows were estimated to be at least 22,000.[42] At this showcase, the Genie Japanese music video was also revealed publicly for the first time, the teaser having been released a few days prior on August 20.[43]
Their Japanese debut single "Genie" debuted at the No.5 spot on the same day of its release on the Daily Oricon Charts and later rose to the No.2 position on the Daily Charts some time later, earning the group a No.4 position on the Oricon weekly ranking.[44][45][46] The group also hit the number No.1 spots on Japan iTunes' music video chart and both the Rekochoku daily video clip chart and incoming movie daily ranking chart a day later.[47] With pre-orders amounting to 80,000, the single sold an estimated 45,000 copies in the first week after release.[48][49] On October 20, 2010, the group released their second Japanese single, "Gee".[50][51]
A week after the release of their Japanese single, the group released their third Korean mini-album, Hoot on October 27, 2010, consisting of five tracks.[52] The video for lead single, "Hoot", a song originally written in English as "Bulletproof", was released on October 28.[53][54] Girls' Generation commenced their promotional activities with a comeback stage on KBS Music Bank on October 29.[55] "Hoot" quickly rose to the top of the charts and received the No.1 spot numerous times on music shows, proving to be another successful release for the group.[56][57][58][59] The group simultaneously promoted "Hoot" and "Gee" in Korea and Japan respectively, participating in Japanese music broadcasts such as the FNS Music Festival, where they performed their two Japanese singles, "Gee" and "Genie" on December 4.
On December 22, 2010, "Hoot" was repackaged with additional tracks from previous albums and released in Japan. The release rose to the No.2 position on the Oricon charts and selling 21,000 copies on the first day, faring surprisingly well considering that all the included tracks were entirely in Korean.[60]
On December 9, 2010, the group attended the Golden Disk Awards, being awarded three awards including the Disk Daesang (Album of the Year) for their 2nd album Oh!. The group also became the first ever girl group to have both a Disk Daesang (2010)and Digital Daesang (2009). On December 15, 2010, the group attended the Melon Music Awards winning the Best Dressed Singer award, Hot Trend Song award for their latest song, "Hoot", as well as the Artist of the Year award. This would be the 2nd consecutive 'Artist of the Year' award for the group. They topped the Hanteo annual Singer Award chart for 2010.[61]
They were named on Asia Today's list of 50 Korean power leaders for 2011 at the No.44 spot, being the only idol group from the list.[62] Girls' Generation was designated "Artist of the Year" by Dosirak, Soribada, Korea Gallup, Hanteo and Sport Korea and also won Best Song of The Year with "Oh!" at Monkey 3.[63][64]

2011: Mr. Taxi, Girls' Generation and The Boys

Girls' Generation performing "The Boys" in NY SMTown Concert, in October 2011
Hoot was certified Gold by Record Industry Association of Japan.[65] At the start of 2011, the group prepared a new song titled "Visual Dreams", as part of their endorsement efforts for Intel's Core Processors throughout Asia.[66] The music video for "Visual Dreams" was released on January 17, and various promotional campaigns included new music, 2D and 3D music videos, internet sites, photos, and PC store displays.[67]
In latter half of January, it was announced that the group would be returning to the Japanese market through the release of their Japanese version of "Run Devil Run" as a digital single, scheduled for release on January 25, 2011.[68]
On January 20, at the 20th Seoul Music Awards, the group received an Artist of the Year award, a Bonsang prize, a Popularity award and a Hallyu award. In doing this, Girls' Generation became one of four artists in Korean music history (the others being Seo Taiji, Jo Sungmo and H.O.T.) to win two consecutive Artist of the Year awards at the Seoul Music Awards. The group also became the only girl group in history to receive Artist of the Year awards for Seoul Music Awards, and Melon Music Awards for two consecutive years. They also received two Daesang Awards at the Golden Disk Ceremony, one Digital Daesang (2009), and one Physical Album Sales Daesang (2010).[69]
On March 8, SM Japan updated their official website with information about the release of Girls' Generation third Japanese single and their first Japanese tour. It was stated that on April 27, Girls' Generation would be releasing their third Japanese single MR. TAXI / Run Devil Run, which would include their first original Japanese song "MR. TAXI".[70] and the Japanese remake of their song "Run Devil Run". A portion of the revenue from their Japanese single MR. TAXI / Run Devil Run would be donated to Japan's Red Cross in order to provide assistance to the victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.[71] On April 9, the Japanese music video of "Run Devil Run" was released.
It was also announced that the group would embark on a Japan-wide tour titled The 1st Japan Arena Tour which would start at Osaka on May 31. A total of 14 concerts in 6 cities would be held over a period of one and a half months.[72]
At the 2011 MTV Video Music Aid Japan (VMAJ), Girls' Generation were nominated for three awards under the "Best Group Video", "Best Video Of The Year" and "Best Karaokee! Song" categories.[73] Originally titled MTV Video Music Awards Japan (VMAJ), the title of the event was changed to change the focus of the show to aid Japan, with donations tied to the amount of votes for artistes.[74] Girls' Generation performed two songs at the event, joining the star-studded line up including Tokio Hotel, Lady Gaga and AKB48.[75] On July 2, it was announced that they had come out top in two out of the three nominated categories, winning "Best Group Video" and "Best Karaokee! Song" for the Japanese version of "Genie".[76]
On June 1, 2011, they released their first full-length original Japanese studio album Girls' Generation. This album contains 12 songs including the singles "Genie", “Gee”, "Run Devil Run", "MR. TAXI" and a Japanese version of "Hoot".[77]
Girls' Generation was certified Platinum (250,000) by Recording Industry Association of Japan on June 14, 2011, making it the fifth Korean artist's album to do so after S.E.S, BoA, TVXQ and KARA. Girls' Generation then was certified Double Platinum (500,000) on July 8, 2011, a first for any Korean girl group.[78][79] The group also set a record for "recording the highest sales of the FIRST album as a foreign artist in Japan. Girls' Generation is the fourth artist to obtained number 1 spot on weekly album chart after BoA, TVXQ and Big Bang,"[80] and became the third Korean artist to surpass the 500,000 mark after BoA and TVXQ. As a result of their rising popularity, Girls' Generation became the highest earning foreign artist in Japan for the first half of 2011.[81] Girls' Generation has sold over 629,436 copies, and now holds the 5th spot for best selling albums of 2011 in Japan according to Oricon.
Recently, the group has been in the midst of their second Asia Tour. They held their first two concerts in Seoul on July 23 and 24, followed by concerts in Taipei, Taiwan on September 9, 10 and 11, and then continue onto Singapore on December 9.
On August 21, 2011 The 1st Asia Tour: Into The New World DVD reached the No.1 spot in Japan's "Tower Records" being the highest selling DVD between August 15-21st.[82]
Girls' Generation was designated by SISA Press as "The Most Influential Entertainers in Korea" for the year 2011, after having placed 6th in the 2010 ranking.[83]
On September 26, 2011 the first teaser featuring Taeyeon was released for the impending comeback with the group's 3rd Korean album The Boys, followed by Sunny & Hyoyeon on September 27; Jessica, Sooyoung and Tiffany on September 28 and Yoona, Yuri, and Seohyun on September 29. The first image teaser for "The Boys" was released on the midnight of October 1, 2011 through SM Entertainment's YouTube channel.[84]
Girls’ Generation was originally scheduled to release the third album The Boys through iTunes worldwide and through various music websites in Asia including Korea on October 5, 2011. But on September 30, it was revealed that the album's release has been postponed so as to bring about a worldwide album release, with details to be released as soon as they were confirmed.[85][86] On October 10, it was confirmed that the album will be released on October 19, 2011 and comeback on KBS Music Bank on October 21, 2011.[87]
Setting their sights on the international market, Girls' Generation signed a contract with Universal Music Group under Interscope Records in 2011.[88]
The title track, "The Boys", was released in both Korean and English. It was written, composed and arranged by Teddy Riley, who was Michael Jackson’s producer.[89]
Within minutes after the release of "The Boys", Girls' Generation achieved an "all-kill" status on all major on and off-line music charts in Korea.[90]
On October 21, 2011, Girls' Generation began their promotions on KBS Music Bank with "The Boys" and "MR. Taxi". On October 23, 2011, it was also confirmed by the members at the SMTown Live '10 World Tour that The Boys maxi-Single would be released internationally on November 19, 2011, although it was later moved to December 8, 2011.[91]
On the following week after their comeback performances, Girls' Generation won their first #1 awards for "The Boys" on M! Countdown on October 27, their second on KBS Music Bank on October 28, and their third on SBS Inkigayo on October 30, making "The Boys" an 'all-kill' on music program charts. They also went on to receive a "triple crown" on SBS's Inkigayo. Overall, the group has won twelve times on various music programs.
The Boys sold 227,994 albums just within 12 days in South Korea alone, becoming the best selling album in October and third best selling album thus far in 2011.[92]
It was announced on November 11, 2011 that Girls’ Generation would be releasing their first official Japanese photobook titled “Holiday”. Girls' Generation's The 1st Japan Arena Tour was also made available on Blu-ray and DVD on December 14, 2011.[93]
Girls' Generation's first Japanese photograph collection book ‘Holiday‘ seized the #1 spot on the book sales ranking chart under the photograph collection category. The photos were a collection of the girls enjoying leisurely time off, and it sold 17,000 copies the first week after going on sale on November 30. In overall book sales ranks, it ranked at #18.[94]
The group also participated on the 2011 Winter SMTown – The Warmest Gift compilation album along with their labelmates performing the song "Diamond", which was released on December 13, 2011.[95]
By the end of December, The Boys sold over 385,348 copies in South Korea, becoming the best selling album in 2011.[96]


Girls' Generation perform "The boys" at the Seoul Music Awards, January 19 2012.
On January 12, 2012, the group attended the "Golden Disk Awards" that was held in Osaka, the group ended up bringing home 2 awards namely a "Digital Bonsang" and the highly coveted "Digital Daesang" which was the biggest award given that night.[97] On January 19, 2012, the group attended the Seoul Music Awards and brought back 2 awards, the "Bonsang" and "Popularity" awards.
On January 31, 2012, Girls' Generation performed for the first time on American late night talk show Late Show with David Letterman. They performed a remix version of the English version of "The Boys". They followed up by performing on syndicated daytime talk show Live! with Kelly on February 1, 2012. Their appearances marked the first time that a Korean musical act performed on each show respectively.[98] The band also performed on the French show Le Grand Journal on February 9, 2012.[99]
On February 7, 2012 was revealed that Girls’ Generation will officially be releasing their album, ‘The Boys’ on February 13, 2012 through Universal Music Group’s Polydor Records in France.[100]
On February 22, 2012, Girls' Generation won 2 awards from the Gaon Chart Awards, winning the Album Of The Year for the 4th Quarter and Oricon Hallyu Singer award.


Stage name Birth name Date of birth
Romanized Hangul/Hanja Romanized Hangul/Hanja
Taeyeon 태연/太妍 Kim Tae-yeon 김태연/金太妍 March 9, 1989 (age 23)
Jessica 제시카/潔西卡 Jessica Jung, Jung Soo-yeon 제시카 정, 정수연/鄭秀妍 April 18, 1989 (age 22)
Sunny 써니/珊妮 Lee Soon-kyu 이순규/李順圭 May 15, 1989 (age 22)
Tiffany 티파니/蒂芙尼 Stephanie Hwang, Hwang Mi-young 스테파니 황, 황미영/黃美英 August 1, 1989 (age 22)
Hyoyeon 효연/孝淵 Kim Hyo-yeon 김효연/金孝淵 September 22, 1989 (age 22)
Yuri 유리/侑莉 Kwon Yu-ri 권유리/權俞利 December 5, 1989 (age 22)
Sooyoung 수영/秀英 Choi Soo-young 최수영/崔秀英 February 10, 1990 (age 22)
Yoona 윤아/潤娥 Im Yoon-ah 임윤아/林潤娥 May 30, 1990 (age 21)
Seohyun 서현/徐賢 Seo Joo-hyun 서주현/徐珠玄 June 28, 1991 (age 20)

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Kisah palui katuju nang batuyuk

palui-91Mulai matan halus Palui handak banar malihat Banjar tapi kadada nang mambawainya, handak tulak saurangan kada wani apalagi dipadahakan harus banyak basangu duit. Makanya sampai umur parak salikur tahun ini inya bausaha banar kaya apa haja supaya malihat Banjar karna mandangar kisah kakawalannya bahwa Banjar sudah maju banar.
Maklum hidup di kampung, maka Palui bausaha manabung dari gawiannya maambil upah manaik nyiur, batabas di pahumaan atawa mamulut burung.
“Lui jangan talalu cangkal banaik nyiur kaina kada tarasani kawin!” ujar Garbus kukuciak matan bawah.
“Sangkiatnya kuat haja jadi insya Allah kada cagar gugur,” sahut Palui matan atas puhun.

“Maksudku kadanya gugur Lui ai, tapi kasihan ading halus tarancaki tagapit,” sahut Garbus manggayai Palui.
“Aku bahimat bacari ini karna mandangar kisah ikam makanya aku handak jua malihat banjar,” sahut Palui.
Rupanya niat Palui takabul jua wayah Palui dikiyau ulih mamarinanya supaya datang ka Banjar ungkus taksi wan sangunya ditanggung ulih sidin. Mamarinanya itu maminta tulung wan Palui manunggui rumahnya karna sidin saparanakan handak tulakan ka Jawa. Palui tulak ka Banjar kada saurangan tapi badua wan umanya.
Lui.. ikam harus bujur-bujur maharaguakan rumah pakacil ikam ini karna urangnya laki-bini pa-apikan banar, jangan pina lugu kaya hidup di kampung batapih basalawar pina barubutan, ujar umanya.
“Mudahan kawa haja babarasih manuruti anjuran sampiyan,” sahut Palui.
Hari pamulaan, hari kadua sampai hari katiga, mamanya Palui sarik tarus karna tingkah laku Palui kada baubah-ubah, pambarang banar, pamurici kaya hidup di kampung. “Kalu bahira bujur-bujur di kakus ada wadahnya,” ujar umanya manuduhi.
“Inggih ulun paham haja,” sahut Palui.
“Tapi kanapa babarapa hari ini kakus rigat banar kulihat ikam bahira kada diluang kakusnya,” ujar umanya.
“Ulun rasa canggung karna bila bahira di luang kakus, tahinya langsung hilang kada katahuan tuyukannya. Kada kaya bahira dibawah rumbia. Lalu ulun hajan dihiganya haja supaya katahuan ganalnya tuyukan karna pasti sabanyak itu jua nasi nang dimakan,” ujar Palui manjawab.
“Ikam dasar kampungan banar Lui ai kada kawa manyasuaiakan hidup nyaman nang saraba barasih,” ujar umanya sarik.

Kisah palui Bakamih Kanyamukan

Palui wan Garbus sudah lawas banar baniat handak ka Banjar mailangi kaluarganya tapi macam-macam haja halangannya. Bila Palui nang puang gawian, si Garbus ada kasibukan nang kada kawa ditinggalakan. Sabaliknya bila Garbus sudah kawa maninggalakan gawian maka Palui pulang nang bahalangan.
“Pabila jua kita kawa tulakan Lui ?” ujar Garbus.
“Aku ja kupaksakan isuk kita tulakan, tapi jangan baisukan karna masih ada nang kutuntungakan,” ujar Palui.

“Kalu kada kawa baisukan atawa tangah hari maka kita bataksi kamariannya haja,” ujar Garbus.
“Akur, aku akur Bus ai. Tapi kalu tulak kamarian maka wayah tulakan harus batapih supaya nyaman singgah gasan ba-magrib wan ba-isya,” ujar Palui.
“Kita tulakan pukul lima dan aku katuju haja kita tulakan batapih wan bakupiah,” ujar Garbus mambawai Palui mancari taksi.
Wayah parak magrib, mutur taksi nang ditumpanginya singgah kampung sabalum Pulau Pinang, singgah di warung halus haja parak kantur kuperasi pedesaan.
“Kanapa maka kita singgah disini, kada di Pulau Pinang atawa di Binuang,” ujar Garbus manakuni supir.
“Disini makan nginumnya murah, kawa bahutang dan ada rumah gasan umpat bamagrib,” ujar supir.
“Mana kakus wadah bakamihnya Bus ?” ujar Palui pina kirik-kirik handak banar bakamih.
“Aku kada tahu jua Lui ai, ayu kita bakamih di higa rumah itu haja parak kabun gumbili,” ujar Garbus mambawai karna inya handka banar jua bakamih.
“Nah, inilah untungnya kita tulakan batapih jadi kada ngalih mamacul salawar,” ujar Palui sambil manyangkutakan tapih ka bahu dan langsung mahajan kamih. Dihiga Palui badiri Garbus, sama-sama handak bakamih. Wayah itu paharatan banyak banar nyamuk maiguti muha, tangan dan batang pahanya tamasuk burung Palui.
“Akai, akai sakitnya, bangsat nyamuk maigut barangku,” ujar Palui gagarunum.
“Napa diakaiakan Lui, jangan diakaiakan tapi ditapak wan tangan,” ujar Garbus manyuruh.
“Tangan sabalahku maingkuti tapih dan sabalahnya mainguti anuku, bila tangan kanan kulapas maka tapihku bisa takana kamih, rigat dan najis. Makanya tulung Bus ingkutiakan pang burungku supaya kamihnya kada mamurancing, karna aku handak mahimat manapak nyamuk si bangsat itu,” ujar Palui minta tulung wan Garbus.
“Ayu ja aku hakun manulung maingkutiakan Lui ai sampai ti’is kamihnya tapi kita bagagantian,” ujar Garbus mulai manyurung tangan manulung Palui.
Imbah Palui wan Garbus tuntung bakamih, lalu mangalakak tatawaan sambil Palui baucap : “Untung kita sama-sama lalakian jadi kawa batutulungan, jaka wan bibinian pasti lain pulang kisahnya” ujar Palui langsung babuat kamutur taksi.

Kisah Kupi susu

Hari Ahad itu Palui wan kakawalannya tulakan maunjun karna di guntung papuyu tahabar sudah musim iwak. Biasanya bubuhannya basangu nasi, hintalu wan wadai tapi hari itu kada babawaan napa-napa karna sudah tahu bahwa di parjalanan banyak warung.
Aku jara mambawa nasi bungkus Bus ai karna rancak basi lalu kada tamakani, ujar Palui.
Hiih, labih baik mambawa duit Lui ai, ujar Garbus.
Biar kada baduit kawa haja bahutang, ujar Palui.

Ikam di mana-mana kawa haja bahutang karna banyak kapatuhan, ujar Palui.
Biar banyak kapatuhan tapi hutang tatap hutang dan harus dibayari, ujar Palui.
Kalu kaya itu Lui ai, kita maunjun satangah hari haja, tangah hari bulikan supaya makan di rumah haja, ujar Garbus.
Lalu siang itu, walaupun hanya pakulih babarapa ikung iwak haruan, Palui wan Garbus bulikan. Wayah dalam parjalanan bubuhannya singgah di warung hanyar, karna dilihatnya nang bajualan pina lamak mungkal. Lalu imbah singgah bubuhannya mamasan nginuman.
Aku pasan teh lapas haja, ujar Garbus.
Kanapa maka teh lapas Bus, apakah ikam kancing manis? ujar Palui batakun.
Jangan galu Lui ai, basusunyi haja, aku ada basangu gula saurang, ujar Garbus sambil mambuka bungkusan plastiknya.
Ikam pasan nginuman napa Lui? ujar Garbus manakuni pulang.
Aku ulahakan kupi, ujar Palui.
Kupi manis atawa kupi pahit nang kada bagula? ujar panjaga warung.
Kanapa maka manakuni kupi pahit kada bagula? ujar Palui balik batakun.
Tadi ulun malihat kawan sampiyan itu mamasan teh lapas, eeee… sakalinya ulun lihat sidin mambawa gula saurang, ujar panjaga warung sambil lihum.
Ulahakan kupi manis basusu, ujar Palui.
Nah, ulun katuju banar pasanan sampiyan itu karna mamayuakan warung kami, ujar Aluh panjaga warung.
Susunya merek napa Luh? ujar Palui batakun.
Susuku, susu bandira jua, ujar Aluh lihum mahuhulut.
Kalu kaya itu, ulahakan kupi bagula lalu haruakan, ujar Palui manyuruh.
Lalu susunya dicampur dimana Ka? ujar Aluh.
Gampang haja, kupinya andak di hadapanku, dan susunya biar kujapai-japai haja, ujar Palui manyirit si Aluh nang pina lamak mungkal dadanya.
Wah, waahhh… sampiyan lanji, sampiyan lanji, ujar Aluh manangkis.
Lanji wan kidas-kidasnya matan dahulunya jua, ujar Garbus malawanakan.
Sahibar mambanjur Bus ai, bila mamatuk syukur dan bila kada mamatuk syukur jua, ujar Palui kada hakun kalah.